An unplanned pregnancy can create pressure, confusion, anxiety and a sense of urgency. We provide support services aimed at easing the stress and anxiety of these situations. We accompany clients through the physical and emotional stages of pregnancy with comprehensive assistance such as rent and utility aid, baby essentials, and long-term case management covering housing and employment support.
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and need help, please call, email or visit us today. We find joy in helping you see the hope and possibility for your child, whether that is through adoption or parenting.
You do not have to be Catholic to receive our services. Services are free to you and always confidential.
Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman, but some common ones are:
Krysti Alexander, M.Ed.
Office: 405-523-3000 ext. 112
Fax: 405-523-3030
Project Gabriel is sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. The goal of this ministry is to offer orientation, education and support to parishes and churches wishing to house a Project Gabriel ministry. Catholic Charities serves all regardless of race, religion, ability to pay or national origin.